Yes, "The Shadow Court", from the future dystopian world of the Psyche Corporation is now real and has come into this plane of reality from the dream world of Psyche Chimere, the first Shadow Queen of Psyche Corporation. In her own immortal words:

"You’re correct in choosing this place

To petition for divine grace

You've always wanted too much

I can give you what you seek

But I’m no kindly sort of Queen, and

I demand to know what you would sacrifice to me?

Sacrifice to me!"

OK. Soooo what does that mean exactly? Well don't expect to be asked for a credit card number here. Instead, to become a member of the Shadow Court of Psyche Corporation you have give us something a bit more personal. Now don't run off so fast. It won't cost any fingers or toes, not generally anyway. A poem, a bit of fan fiction, a sketch of angelbots, a photo of yourself cosplaying a creature from the Psyche Corporation World. What is even more important is that you spread the word about Psyche Corporation' s wonderful music, fascinatingly bizarre lyrics, helping advertise "Scheduled Indoctrinations" (aka concerts and performance) and directly contribute to spreading the Empire of the Shadow Queen throughout this time-space continuum through internet traffic, awakening of the populace through physical medium such as flyers and sidewalk chalk messages, and especially through direct word of mouth communications!

For more information on joining this International Fan Club and levels of membership (which really do increase your access to staff, dancers, and band members) check out the static page post in the right margin labeled Shadow Court Nobles, Knights, and Gentry

Saturday, December 10, 2016

'Dance for Me' music video by Psyche Corp. is now LIVE!

From the desk of the Shadow Queen - Psyche Chimere:

The 'Dance for Me' music video by Psyche Corp. is now LIVE for its world debut!

 Click here to enter the madness of Psyche Corporation's world!

Thank you everyone who supported us!

Inspired by various sources of occult, mystical, and arcane imagery, the "Dance for Me" video weaves a gothic fairytale of cosmic power struggles within an imaginary universe. The linked characters of The Fortune-Teller, the Empress of Marionettes, and the Puppeteer personify increasingly extreme opponents to free will. In the first form, free will is overpowered by Destiny determined by Luck and not true agency. In the second form, free will is overpowered by Authority (royal, social, economic, ...). In the third form, there is no free will at all--the appearance of agency is merely a manifestation of the Divine Puppeteer's will.

Now stop reading and go forth to see me covered in sculpted wax 'make-up', channeling my inner alien jellyfish goddess! <3
